Seven Segmen 8086
17.001. Rangkaian Simulasi [kembali]
2. Flowchart [kembali]
3. Listing Program [kembali]
; BIN is plain binary format similar to .com format, but not limited to 1 segment;
; All values between # are directives, these values are saved into a separate .binf file.
; Before loading .bin file emulator reads .binf file with the same file name.
; All directives are optional, if you don't need them, delete them.
; set loading address, .bin file will be loaded to this address:
; set entry point:
#CS=0500h# ; same as loading segment
#IP=0000h# ; same as loading offset
; set segment registers
#DS=0500h# ; same as loading segment
#ES=0500h# ; same as loading segment
; set stack
#SS=0500h# ; same as loading segment
#SP=FFFEh# ; set to top of loading segment
; set general registers (optional)
;initialisasi PA=PB=Out;
mov dx,206h
mov al,89h
out dx,al
mov dx,200h
mov al,0FBh
out dx,al
mov dx,202h
mov al,4Fh
out dx,al
jmp lagi
HLT ; halt!
4. Video [kembali]
File HTML -download
File Proteus - downloadFile Program - Download
Video Rangkaian - Download